LMS Collection Tool

Running Oracle_Collection_Tool

As 'oracle' on each target server...

mkdir -p /u01/dba/LMS/CT_output
mkdir -p /u01/dba/LMS/CT_tmp
scp -pr ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/dba/LMS/Oracle_Collection_Tool.zip /u01/dba/LMS

NOTE: For servers where connection to ${PATCH_SERVE} on port 22 is blocked by a firewall...Run this, then cut & paste the output to a putty session running as 'oracle' on ${PATCH_SERVE}...echo "scp -pr /u01/dba/LMS/Oracle_Collection_Tool.zip $(hostname):/u01/dba/LMS"
cd /u01/dba/LMS
unzip Oracle_Collection_Tool.zip
chmod -R +x Collection

As 'root' on each target server...

cd /u01/dba/LMS/Collection/bin
./Collection.sh -o /u01/dba/LMS/CT_output -L Y -p DB,CPUQ -t /u01/dba/LMS/CT_tmp

NOTE: Using -L Y indicates that you accept the license agreement. Omit this option if you wish to read the license agreement before accepting it.

Once the Collection.sh script is complete, you should have two bz2 files in your output directory. You should consolidate the resultant bz2 files and send them to the LMS consultant, or review them yourself (see below).

To consolidate (as 'root')...

chown oracle /u01/dba/LMS/CT_output/*.bz2
sudo -u oracle scp -pr /u01/dba/LMS/CT_output/*.bz2 ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/dba/LMS/CT_consolidated

NOTE: For servers where connection to ${PATCH_SERVE} on port 22 is blocked by a firewall...Run this, then cut & paste the output to a putty session running as 'oracle' on ${PATCH_SERVE}...echo "scp -pr $(hostname):/u01/dba/LMS/CT_output/*.bz2 /u01/dba/LMS/CT_consolidated"
NOTE: In the event that "root is not in the sudoers file", simply login as 'oracle' and run...scp -pr /u01/dba/LMS/CT_output/*.bz2 eugsl-l-oem001:/u01/dba/LMS/CT_consolidated

Reviewing Output

The file starting with "Collection" contains the results of the collection. Use the following command to extract the files...

gtar -xjvf Collection*.tar.bz2

The .txt file under /u01/dba/LMS/CT_output/CPUQ is a good place to start.

This includes things like lparstat -i output which shows processor allocations.

The .csv files are best viewed in a spreadsheet or Python in a GUI environment.

The file under /u01/dba/LMS/CT_output/DBA_FUS shows database feature usage.

The files under /u01/dba/LMC/CT_output/DB include...



The file starting with "debug" contains the log files from the collection.

Use the following command to extract the files...

gtar -xjvf debug*.tar.bz2


ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

In most cases this error can be ignored. The scripts will attempt to retrieve information about options that may not be installed.


DB: CT-02801: WARNING: CPUQ information is needed for Host: myhostname.com running Database Instance: ORCL1

In this case the warning seems to be because the script has trimmed the domain from the hostname. I.e. it has collected the correct data but thinks it has not due to the difference in hostname with domain vs without. The content of the CPUQ_collected.log supports this theory...

CPUQ: CT-01000: COLLECTED: Machine Name: myhostname

Running HW_CPUQuery

As 'oracle' on each target server...

scp -pr ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/dba/LMS/HW_CPUQuery.zip /u01/dba/LMS

NOTE: For servers where connection to ${PATCH_SERVE} on port 22 is blocked by a firewall...Run this, then cut & paste the output to a putty session running as 'oracle' on ${PATCH_SERVE}...echo "scp -pr /u01/dba/LMS/HW_CPUQuery.zip $(hostname):/u01/dba/LMS"
cd /u01/dba/LMS
unzip HW_CPUQuery.zip

As 'root' on each target server...

cd /u01/dba/LMS/HW_CPUQuery/CPU_Query_Unix
chmod u+x lms_cpuq.sh
chown oracle /tmp/$(hostname -s)-lms_cpuq.txt
sudo -u oracle scp -pr /tmp/$(hostname -s)-lms_cpuq.txt ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/dba/LMS/HW_CPU_consolidated

NOTE: For servers where connection to ${PATCH_SERVE} on port 22 is blocked by a firewall...Run this, then cut & paste the output to a putty session running as 'oracle' on ${PATCH_SERVE}...echo "scp -pr $(hostname):/tmp/$(hostname -s)-lms_cpuq.txt /u01/dba/LMS/HW_CPU_consolidated"
NOTE: In the event that "root is not in the sudoers file", simply login as 'oracle' and run...scp -pr /tmp/$(hostname -s)-lms_cpuq.txt ${PATCH_SERVE}:/u01/dba/LMS/HW_CPU_consolidated

Staging a new version of the tool

Refer to the documentation provided by Oracle.

The aim is to stage a zip file on ${PATCH_SERVE} that can be used according to the instructions in this document.

Stage the files in /u01/dba/LMS on ${PATCH_SERVE} and update this document accordingly.