JSD AWS Stack Migration

JSD AWS CloudFormation RDS PostgreSQL Upgrade

JSD AWS CloudFormation RDS PostgreSQL Change Storage Encryption

JSD AWS CloudFormation VPC CIDR Block Update

These steps cover migration of JSD from one CloudFormation Stack to another. This is useful in the following scenarios...

This process is the same irrespective of whether the new Stack creates a new VPC in the same account as the original Stack or a new VPC in a different account

First install the target JSD Stack being sure to make the necessary parameter changes. If you are creating a new VPC in an existing account you should change the ASI Identifier and the VPC CIDR blocks. 


Follow the JSD AWS upgrade instructions as a separate step after the migration is complete if necessary.

If you plan to use the same DNS entry to access the new ASI Stack once migration is complete, make sure you enter the same "Existing DNS Name" parameter value (this will cause JSD to complain until DNS is updated but these warnings will not prevent completion of the steps below.


You could use the "import your data" link later on (but be careful about email settings). If you are not doing a direct swap then it is safest to close this screen at this point.

Configure ssh so that you can easily connect to a Jira node in the source and target Stacks. Your config file in ~/.ssh should look something like this...


   ForwardAgent yes

   User ec2-user


   ProxyCommand ssh -A ec2-user@ -W %h:%p

   User ec2-user


   ForwardAgent yes

   User ec2-user


   ProxyCommand ssh -A ec2-user@ -W %h:%p

   User ec2-user

Where is the external IP of the Source Bastion

Where is the internal IP of the Source Jira Node

Where is the external IP of the Source Bastion

Where is the external IP of the Target Bastion

Where is the internal IP of the Target Jira Node

Where is the external IP of the Target Bastion

Backup the Source Database & Attachments/Avatars

NOTE: To ensure the backup is consistent and complete you should prevent users from updating the system. If the system is updated after the backup starts data could be lost.

In the source JSD application...

 Administration (cog) - System - Import & Export -  Backup System

Enter an arbitrary filename and click Backup

This will create a zip file in /media/atl/jira/shared/export/ on the Jira node (this is an EFS filesystem so it should be visible from any Jira node)

With your ssh environment setup for the source ASI Stack...

ssh $sourceIPaddress

sudo su - root

cp /media/atl/jira/shared/export/backupfilename.zip /tmp

chmod uog+r /tmp/backupfilename.zip

zip -r /tmp/datafilename.zip /media/atl/jira/shared/data/*



scp $sourceIPaddress:/tmp/backupfilename.zip .

scp $sourceIPaddress:/tmp/datafilename.zip .

# Establish ssh connection to source Jira server

# Switch user to 'root'

# Copy the Jira backup to /tmp

# Enable ec2-user to be able to scp it

# Backup Attachments/Avatars

# exit root

# exit

# Copy the backup to your local machine

# Copy the Attachments backup to local machine

Restore the Target Database & Attachments/Avatars

With your ssh environment setup for the target ASI Stack...

ssh $targetIPaddress

sudo su - root

service jira stop

Un-comment the following line in /bin/setenv.sh...

DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS=" -Datlassian.mail.senddisabled=true -Datlassian.mail.fetchdisabled=true -Datlassian.mail.popdisabled=true"

service jira start

With your ssh environment setup for the target ASI Stack...

scp backupfilename.zip $targetIPaddress:/tmp

scp datafilename.zip $targetIPaddress:/tmp

ssh $targetIPaddress

sudo su - root

unzip /tmp/datafilename.zip -d /

chown -R jira:jira /media/atl/jira/shared/data

cp /tmp/backupfilename.zip /media/atl/jira/shared/import

rm /tmp/datafilename.zip /tmp/backupfilename.zip



# Copy the backup to the target Jira server

# Copy the Attachments backup to the target Jira server

# Establish ssh connection to the target Jira server

# Switch user to 'root'

# Unzip the Attachments backup

# Set file ownership correctly

# Copy the backup file to the import location

# Tidy up

# exit root

# exit

Return to the "Setup Application Properties" screen in your new Jira application.

Alternatively (e.g. if you have accidentally closed that screen) in the source JSD application...

NOTE: Index Path should default to the correct value.NOTE: You should be able to leave the license key blank (which should use the license key included in the export file)NOTE: It can take quite a while for the screen to change to show progress.