Oracle Environment Variables


Add the following to the bottom of the .profile or .bash_profile as appropriate...

If you are performing this installation as part of an upgrade, you should copy the original .profile or .bash_profile to a file with a different name and update as needed. This gives you the flexibility to switch environments as necessary. The new file can then be copied over the original file once the upgrade is complete.

# Check your default PATH and incorporate into this variable if necessary.

# Common practice would be to prepend $PATH to this variable but we want to be able to

# switch Oracle environments by running individual .profile files

# Using $PATH prepended would result in the PATH growing which can give unexpected results


export PATH

# Database Variables

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/122010ORCL1



# Java Variables (Optional)

export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin


export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc8.jar:.

# Swingbench & Related Tools (Optional)

export PATH=$PATH:/u01/dba/swingbench/bin

export PATH=$PATH:/u01/dba/dbtimemonitor/bin

export PATH=$PATH:/u01/dba/MonitorDB/bin

# DBA Automation Variables

export LISTENER_NAME=listener1

export WALLPATH=/home/${USER}/wallet

# DBA Patch Variables

case $(uname) in

AIX) export P_OS=AIX64-5L



Linux) export P_OS=Linux-x86-64



export PATCH_SERVE=mypatchserver # Local Management Server

export PTAR=122010 # This is the number that appears in patch download files

. /u01/dba/patcher/.alias # Set aliases (used to simplify patching)

# APEX Variables (only required if you use APEX on this instance)

export APXHST=$(hostname -s) # Hostname of Source database

export APXPRT=$(lsnrctl stat $LISTENER_NAME | grep PORT | head -1 | awk -F"PORT=" '{sub(/ .*/,"",$2);print $2}' | sed 's/)//g') # Port of Source database

export APXSID=${ORACLE_SID} # ORACLE_SID of Source database

export APXDIR=/u01/img/apex/18.1 # Installation Directory of Current version of APEX

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$APXDIR/apex/utilities

# OEM Agent Variables

# - required if OEM Agent deployed for this host

export EMAGENT_HOME=/u01/app/em13/agent_13.

# Other

# - Include time in date format

# - Show ORACLE_SID in command prompt

# - Show ORACLE_SID in Putty Window Title


export PS1="\${ORACLE_SID} $ "

printf "\033]0;"${ORACLE_SID}"\007"

Execute the .profile to make it take effect...

. .profile


. .bash_profile


In linux, add these to .bashrc

NOTE: See also: MPatcherORCL1/2/3/4 are used as an example for switching between alternate instances on a single hostmenu is a script for performing various common functions after login

# User specific aliases and functions

alias ORCL1='. /home/oracle/.bash_profile.ORCL1'

alias ORCL2='. /home/oracle/.bash_profile.ORCL2'

alias ORCL3='. /home/oracle/.bash_profile.ORCL3'

alias ORCL4='. /home/oracle/.bash_profile.ORCL4'

alias menu='/home/oracle/'