Confluence Diagnostics

Monitoring from within Confluence

Adminstration (Cog) - General Configuration (Dropdwown) - ADMINISTRATION (Left) - Clustering (Left)

Shows cluster configuration and load

Adminstration (Cog) - General Configuration (Dropdown) - ADMINISTRATION (Left) - Troubleshooting and support tools (Left)

Various automatic health checks plus log analyser function and support tools.

Adminstration (Cog) - General Configuration (Dropdown) - ADMINISTRATION (Left) - System Information (Left)

Lots of version and config information including JVM Heap size

Adminstration (Cog) - General Configuration (Dropdown) - ADMINISTRATION (Left) - Logging and Profiling (Left)

Includes options for Performance Profiling, SQL Logging and Log4j Logging in addition to some individual monitor items.
