Google Sites

This site is built using Google Sites. Most functionality is self explanatory. This page contains notes  about some less obvious functionality. 

Note that this site is built using the current (Mar-2022) version of Google Sites, not "Classic" Google Sites.

Cut & Paste Code

The Problem

If you cut & paste text from a text box formatted with code font (< >) you are likely to get extra line feeds when you cut & paste. Sometimes this doesn't matter. Often it does. Until recently I've been working around this by pasting into Notepad++, removing the extra lines then cut & pasting into my final destination (usually a PuTTY session, or SQL Developer, or SSMS). But this isn't ideal.

There will be a blank line

Between these lines

When you cut & paste


One workaround I have tried is to post my code as a "secret" GitHub Gist then use the "Embed" code from the Gist page to embed the code into the Google Site.

