Continuent Tungsten Replicator

Continuent Tungsten Replicator

Tungsten Replicator is an open source high performance replication engine that works with a number of different source and target databases.Tungsten Replicator is also capable of heterogeneous replication by enabling the replicated information to be transformed after it has been read from the data server to match the functionality or structure in the target server. This functionality allows for replication between MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Vertica etc. Tungsten Replicator allows to use advanced filtering to replication

There are three major components in the system that provide the core of the replication functionality:

  • Extractor The extractor component reads data from a data server, such as MySQL or Oracle, and writes that information into the Transaction History Log (THL)

  • Transaction History Log (THL) The THL contains the information extracted from a data server. Information within the THL is divided up by transactions, either implied or explicit, based on the data extracted from the data server.

  • Applier Appliers within Tungsten Replicator convert the THL information and apply it to a destination data server. The role of the applier is to read the THL information and apply that to the data server.