SS Conditional Functions

RANge-based CONditional Functions




IF the value in W501 is equal to the value in I501 then set the value of the current cell to 0.IF the values don't match then set the value of the current cell to the result of the RACON function (which SUMs values in a range of values from column V based on a lookup within a range of values in column A using the value in column Y of the current row as the key) or the value of column I of the current row, whichever is lower.


=IFERROR(DATEDIF($I$1, DATE($A4,B$2,7),"Y"),"-")


=SWITCH(A2, "O", "Oracle", "M", "MySQL", "S", "SQL Server", "Other")

=SWITCH(A2, "O", "Oracle", "M", "MySQL", "S", "SQL Server", A2)
