Jira Service Desk COnfiguration

Jira Application Home

The default location is...



Create/Edit this file in... /media/atl/jira/shared...

This directory is an EFS shared filesystem, so you should only need to do this one of the Jira nodes.For non AWS installs, this would be: /var/atlassian/application-data/JIRA

Relative Dates

If you don't want Jira to use relative dates like "Today" or "Yesterday" add this to jira-config.properties...

jira.lf.date.relativize = false

You will need to restart Jira for this to take effect



Disable Email Sending/Receiving

Unless your live Jira instance is down you will probably want to disable email sending/receiving before performing any restore

With your ssh environment setup for the target ASI Stack...

ssh $targetIPaddress

sudo su - root

service jira stop

Un-comment the following line in /bin/setenv.sh...

DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS=" -Datlassian.mail.senddisabled=true -Datlassian.mail.fetchdisabled=true -Datlassian.mail.popdisabled=true"

service jira start


Tomcat Config

NOTE: In a CloudFormation configuration, be aware that any changes made directly to these files will be lost on instance termination.




NOTE: In a CloudFormation configuration, be aware that any changes made directly to this file will be lost on instance termination.

