MSSQL Transaction Logs

Transaction Log Backups

The recommended way to run a backup is by scheduling Ola Halengren's maintenance scripts.

Consider your recovery options when deciding how frequently to backup Transaction Logs. More frequent Transaction Log backups reduce the potential amount of data lost in a recovery event. Backing up transaction logs every 60 seconds is viable (but do make sure you have scripted and tested recovery because the large number of backup files to process will make this cumbersome to do by hand). Also consider options like AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

Full Transaction Log Destination

AssumptionsThe standard Ola Halengren backup scripts have been deployed.The database is in full recovery mode (transaction log backups are only possible in full recovery mode).Note: If the database is not in full recovery mode but the transaction log usage has reduced for other reasons (perhaps a restart) then the shrinkfile command can still be used.

Identify  (and note) which database(s) is to blame...

use [master]


dbcc sqlperf(logspace);

Make a transaction log backup (to truncate the log)...

SSMS - SQL Server Agent - Job Activity Monitor - "DatabaseBackup - USER_DATABASES - LOG" - Start Job at Step...

Reclaim space...

use [myDatabase]



Work out an appropriate size to shrink the file to. This can be a case of educated guesswork. Your first aim is obviously to get the disk usage back under the alerting threshold (this site can be useful: It is conceivably possible that this would be better achieved by shrinking several log files rather than just the largest log file. You may consider referring to the output from the dbcc sqlperf(logspace) command you ran earlier which will also have shown the % log space used. Refer to the output from before the backup as after a backup this % will be low (unless there is an active transaction which prevented the backup from freeing up space - which may warrant further investigation). It may be that a full transaction log destination should actually be resolved by adding storage. Certainly, if you have to reclaim space on a regular basis, you should consider increasing the disk size. If you can find no evidence to suggest otherwise, a size of 7000MB or 8000MB is often a good starting point. Be aware that making the log file too small will cause a performance hit as the log regrows back to its natural size.

use [myDatabase]


dbcc shrinkfile(myDatabase_log, 8000)

Where 8000 is a size in MB (in this case ~8GiB)

If the file has not shrunk repeat the backup and shrink steps again.


To identify the amount of free space in your transaction log...

use [myDatabase]

SELECT name,

       size / 128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS INT) / 128.0 AS AvailableSpaceInMB

  FROM sys.database_files;

Log not truncating

If the transaction log isn't truncating when you expect it to, use this script to help identify why...

Move Transaction Logs



MODIFY FILE (Name = myDatabase_Log, Filename = 'F:\NewDir\myDatabase.ldf')

Move the file in the filesystem



Transaction Log Backup
Alternate Shrink method