Apache Tomcat Security

Remove Version Number from Error Pages

Assumes a JDK is in your PATHNote that making this change may prevent Lambda/Psi Probe (popular Tomcat monitoring webapp) to initialise as it cannot determine the Tomcat version.

cd /tomcat/latest/lib

jar xf catalina.jar org/apache/catalina/util/ServerInfo.properties

vi org/apache/catalina/util/ServerInfo.properties # (server.info=Apache Tomcat)

jar uf catalina.jar org/apache/catalina/util/ServerInfo.properties

rm -r org

Restart Apache Tomcat...

systemctl restart tomcat

Remove HTTP Access to Release Notes

By default, this URL will work from any browser on the network (firewall rules permitting)...


This document will generally reveal the version number of Tomcat.

To address this, simply remove the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file from production Tomcat servers...

rm /tomcat/latest/webapps/ROOT/RELEASE-NOTES.txt

Replace favicon.ico

Default favicon.ico files can be flagged during penetration test because they identify the software in use. To avoid this situation follow the notes below.

Identify a suitable replacement favicon.ico. Either use one of the many online favicon.ico designer tools or find a nondescript one from another server.

To replace the Tomcat favicon.ico:

cd /tomcat/latest/webapps/ROOT

cp favicon.ico favicon.icoO # Backup existing favicon

Replace favicon.ico with your alternate icon.