UNIX File Copy

Use sftp or rsync for copying files between hosts. The scp protocol is no longer considered secure.

Copying Files


To time how long it takes to make a copy of a file...

time cp myfile1.tst myfile2.tst


To recursively copy a directory and its contents including progress reporting  and timing...

time rsync -a --progress /mymount1/mydir /mymount2

time rsync -rlptgoD --progress /mymount1/mydir /mymount2

The two commands above are functionally identical. i.e. -a is the same as -rlptgoD

rsync mydir1 mydir2

Copies mydir1 into mydir2 and misses out mydir1/mysubdir

rsync mydir1/* mydir2

skipping directory mysubdir
Duplicates the files in mydir1 to mydir2 but misses out mydir1/mysubdir

rsync -r mydir1/* mydir2

Successfully duplicates mydir1 to mydir2

rsync -ri mydir1/* mydir2

>f+++++++++ myfile1>f+++++++++ myfile2cd+++++++++ mysubdir/>f+++++++++ mysubdir/myfile3
Successfully duplicates mydir1 to mydir2

rsync -ri mydir1/* mydir2

>f..T...... myfile1>f..T...... myfile2>f..T...... mysubdir/myfile3
Running the same command again without removing mydir2 results in output as shown.

rsync -rv mydir1/* mydir2

sending incremental file listcreated directory mydir2myfile1myfile2mysubdir/mysubdir/myfile3
sent 547 bytes  received 110 bytes  1,314.00 bytes/sectotal size is 289  speedup is 0.44
Successfully duplicates mydir1 to mydir2

rsync -r --stats mydir1/* mydir2

Number of files: 4 (reg: 3, dir: 1)Number of created files: 4 (reg: 3, dir: 1)Number of deleted files: 0Number of regular files transferred: 3Total file size: 289 bytesTotal transferred file size: 289 bytesLiteral data: 289 bytesMatched data: 0 bytesFile list size: 0File list generation time: 0.001 secondsFile list transfer time: 0.000 secondsTotal bytes sent: 547Total bytes received: 81
sent 547 bytes  received 81 bytes  1,256.00 bytes/sectotal size is 289  speedup is 0.46
Successfully duplicates mydir1 to mydir2.Provides stats about the rsync.

rsync -r --progress mydir1/* mydir2

sending incremental file listcreated directory mydir2myfile1             63 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=3/4)myfile2             62 100%   60.55kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=2/4)mysubdir/mysubdir/myfile3            164 100%  160.16kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=0/4)

time rsync -ahiv --stats mydir1/* mydir2

rsync -ahv --progress --dry-run --update --backup --suffix=.bak /mymount1/mydir /mymount2

rsync -ahv --progress --update --backup --suffix=.bak /mymount1/mydir /mymount2

Standard out redirection


pv source >destination

cat source >destination

