Infosphere CDC

Infosphere Change Data Capture


To start IBM Infosphere CDC...

As the 'ibmcdc' user


Manual Startup

To start Infosphere by hand...

Note: the recommended way of starting Infosphere CDC is using the startup script above.

nohup CDC_Install_Location/bin/dmts64 -I DBNAME &

nohup CDC_Install_Location/bin/dmstartmirror -I DBNAME -c -A &


To stop IBM Infosphere CDC...

As 'ibmcdc' user


Manual Shutdown

To stop Infosphere by hand...

Note: the recommended way of stopping Infosphere CDC is using the stop script above.

CDC_Install_Location/bin/dmendreplication -c -A -I DBNAME

CDC_Install_Location/bin/dmshutdown -c -I DBNAME