Oracle 11.2 RunInstaller


export NEWVER=112030

In situations where you intend to have multiple separate ORACLE_HOMEs at the same version on the same host then you may wish to append the ORACLE_SID as shown in the example below (where ORCL is the ORACLE_SID)...

export NEWVER=112030ORCL

RootPre (AIX)

Run as 'root'...



Note that for you can perform a silent install similar to that documented for 12c. For earlier versions it is recommended to perform an interactive installation where possible.

cd /u01/img/112030/database


The log will have a name starting with installActions and will be in /u01/app/oraInventory/logs

Run (as 'root') as shown in the output of RunInstaller.

If this install created the Oracle Inventory, you will be asked to run two scripts as shown below...



Rollback (If Required)