APEX Patch

If the first or second digit of the version will change as a result of this upgrade (e.g. 4.1 to 4.2) then you need a full install of APEX. If only the third digit will change (e.g. 4.2.2 to 4.2.6) then you just need a patch...

export APXVER=21.2

This should match the version number in your download location path (e.g. for /u01/img/apex/18.1 APXVER is 18.1)

Download the patch and copy to this directory and unzip it...


For earlier versions...

To apply a Patch instead of running the full install...

cd /u01/img/apex/${APXVER}/patch

sqlplus / as sysdba @apxpatch.sql

Review apxpatch.log for errors

For more recent versions...

cd /u01/img/apex/${APXVER}/patch

export NLS_LANG=American_America.AL32UTF8

sqlplus / as sysdba @catpatch.sql

Where APEX is installed in the root (rather than a PDB) use: sqlplus / as sysdba @catpatch_con.sqlWhere APEX is installed in an application container use: sqlplus / as sysdba @catpatch_appcon.sql